Next cohort starting June 17th. Book your free assessment now – early bird pricing until May 10th!

Your pathway to true holistic wellbeing

Radiance is the first company bringing the demonstrated power of Ayurvedic medicine to the West with a rigorous, scientific methodology.

Book a free assessment
What draws you to Radiance?
We offer two pathways: address chronic conditions with our personalized treatment plans or transform your health for peak body-mind functioning

The conventional solutions aren’t working

Conventional treatments may temporarily relieve symptoms, but don't address the root issues. You're looking for more. Our clients have repeatedly seen results with conditions that resisted conventional treatment.

Radiance provides  personalized, root-cause treatment for real results

We use our deep expertise in Ayurveda and modern science to identify and address the true root causes of your condition. We target root issues by first bringing you to a stable baseline, and then layering on Ayurvedic approaches. 

What makes Radiance different?
Expertise synthesizing holistic medicine and modern science
Transformational methods for true healing
Expert support to guide you along the path

Your journey to health

All our programs are delivered virtually in cohorts, with community support.
The next cohort begins on June 17, 2024.
Space does occasionally open up in between cohorts, particularly for active health issues.
Book a free assessment before then to find the best path for you.


Free 25 Minute Assessment

An in-depth Ayurvedic perspective on your condition and the path forward to regaining health.
Please note: if you are experiencing an acute flareup and need time-sensitive help, reach out to


Two Week Trial

You'll start with a two week trial to see if you like working with us. At the end of the two weeks, we'll create a custom package for the level of support you need.


Three Month Committment

A several-month-long period where we go deep into your body and rewire its fundamental physiological processes with powerful Ayurvedic formulations and systems for health.

Stories from Past Clients

Varun J.

Software Engineer

Varun was diagnosed with a pancreatic disorder that left him unable to properly digest food, particularly fats.
He saw a number of doctors, including the world expert in his condition. They couldn't find a solution, and suggested he seek alternatives.
After working with us for 4-5 weeks, he hit a turning point where all of his symptoms from the last year began to disappear.
"I feel better digestively than I have in years. Not just that, but my skin looks healthier and my memory is better. I feel some of the best I've felt in a long time."

Cindy Tadje

Mother of Four

"When I started, I was pre-diabetic, my CRP, cortisol, and cholesterol was elevated, and I had IBS. In a recent test, after 2.5y of working with Jessica, all of my bloodwork came back optimal, and my IBS is in remission. I feel very grateful because I didn't think I'd have this clean a bill of health ever again."

Kim Dupre

Entrepreneur / Creative

"In a matter of 2-3 weeks Jessica significantly improved my level of health more than anyone in the last 15 years. She gave me hope that I can actually feel really good in my body and I haven't had that feeling in a very long time. After working with her, I was eating, enjoying and digesting foods that I hadn't been able to eat for a long while. Now I feel better than I have in over 10 years."

Patricia Mou

Co-Founder of The Commons

"Working personally with Jess has been one of the best health experiences I’ve had in my entire life. Her approach is truly holistic, incredibly nuanced, and very personalized to your unique needs. By Week 3 I had improved my energy levels and metabolism to 50% above my baseline. I think the secret ingredient to this program is that the team, and especially Dr. Jess, actually care. You can feel it in each interaction. And that is the most priceless aspect of this experience."

Veronica Giolli

Holistic Health/Wellness Coach

Veronica was born with chronic eczema, an autoimmune condition, and has struggled with flareups for her whole life.
Ayurveda brought her to a place where flareups no longer occur because she can recognize and interrupt the underlying patterns.
"Ayurveda and Jess have completely shifted the way my brain works. I've created an awareness of my body and my patterns that allows me to stay in an easeful state by understanding what my body truly wants.”

Jennifer Anderson


Jennifer was diagnosed with microscopic colitis in 2003, and even after working with different gastroenterologists for 14 years, she had episodes where she was in the bathroom all the time and couldn't leave the house. Working with Jess "gave [Jennifer] her life back" and got her to a point where she "didn't need the gastroenterologists, didn't have digestive issues, and felt like a normal person again."

Avery Bedows

Founder / Researcher

"I feel like Jess is a teammate to figure out my health. For four years and many clinicians it has always felt like I’m doing it alone. It's amazing that Jess (via Ayurveda) understands and responds to the nuance of my symptoms."

Pranab Sachithanandan

Growth Marketer

"My energy levels have been better than ever before. Not like I'm on coffee all the time, but just very clear. If I look at my last few weeks compared to the weeks prior, each day has a lot more clarity, less heaviness, more peace and contentment."

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ayurveda? Why is it relevant to us now?

Ayurveda is a 3,000-y+ old system of holistic medicine originating from India. It's extremely effective for bringing people to the most healthy state they can be in. It understands the human as a holistic whole, and teaches us how to understand our own bodies and gain deeper self-awareness around what is healthy for us.
Ayurveda has been successfully used for thousands of years in India, and scientific evidence is now showing that it is broadly effective.

Where does this fit in the larger system of wellness, e.g. therapy, personal training, etc.?

We provide foundational support for your physical body. Your physical body and what you provide it is the fundamental support for everything else that you do. We help you create that stable foundation. Other things like psychological support are also highly useful but that's not our main role - we do refer out to practitioners in our network when it's the right thing to do.

How long does it take to see results or resolve my condition?

The time it takes to see results or resolve a condition is extremely variable on the individual and their state of health at the start of the program. You'll typically start to see results in the first week of working with us. Resolution of a condition can be unexpectedly rapid, or can take an extended period of diligent care and effort. It all depends! For more a more specific opinion for your particular case, feel free to book a discovery call so we can chat through your situation.

How much time will incorporating Ayurveda into my life take?

Our programs are carefully designed to introduce only a few, manageable changes each session. Our goal is to easefully integrate Ayurveda into your life, in a way that allows you to see the benefits immediately. Expect to spend a 1-3 hours a week outside of your 1:1 calls integrating in material.

What health issues does Ayurveda specialize in?

Ayurveda is a general system of wellbeing - it both treats particular conditions and creates overall health. It is a great fit for a variety of persistent issues that don’t seem to have easily identifiable root causes. In particular, Ayurveda excels at treating:
- Chronic digestive issues, including dietary intolerances (dairy, gluten, etc.), as well as issues with variability in appetite, energy levels, metabolism, indigestion, cognitive performance
- Skin conditions
- Sleep health - chronically waking up during the night, not feeling well rested in the morning, etc.
- Women’s health issues, such as irregular cycles or PMS symptoms
Optimization for fertility
- Persistent energy crashes at particular times of the day or after meals

What is the scientific evidence behind Ayurveda?

Over the last few decades, there’s been a variety of scientific research validating Ayurveda’s ability to maintain health and treat disease. For some of the more notable results:
Ayurveda has been found to outperform conventional medicine for a number of conditions. For two examples:
1. Ayurvedic treatment for osteoarthritis outperforms the conventional standard of care
2. Ayurvedic nutritional therapy outperforms conventional nutritional therapy for IBS
Ayurvedic formulations (known as medications in India) have been found to cause a variety of physiological improvements. For a few examples:
1. Ashwagandha (a frequently used Ayurvedic adaptogen) increases physical performance, reduces anxiety and stress levels, improves sleep, and increases VO2max
2. Brahmi (an Ayurvedic adaptogen) improves cognition and alleviates memory loss
This is just a small slice of the overall scientific research that has been conducted on Ayurveda.

Will Ayurveda require me to follow a restrictive diet, e.g. vegetarianism, gluten-free, etc?

No. Ayurveda has a saying - any food can be medicine or poison, depending on who is consuming it and in what context. There may be foods that are currently a poor fit for you, and we will work with you to understand how to eliminate or reduce them from your diet, for the time being. However, the long term goal is for you to have as broad a dietary range as possible. Ayurveda does not specifically advocate for vegetarianism, although it is highly adaptable to a vegetarian diet, as it originated from the Indian subcontinent where there is a sizable vegetarian population.

I have a question that isn’t listed here.

Please feel free to contact us at to get your question answered!

Frequently Asked Questions

For any other questions, feel free to book a free call or email us below at

Email us today

Most holistic wellness lacks deep understanding

You see that every holistic health influencer or "program" seems to have its own, idiosyncratic system. They all seem to contradict and fail answer questions beyond the surface level. You sense there must be something deeper.

Discover a transformative system with millenia of insight

We draw from thousands of years of Ayurvedic knowledge to create profound states of health and wellbeing that stand the test of time. The body and mind are understood and transformed at the cellular level with deeply personalized guidance. We detoxify and then rejuvenate your whole system to create a higher state of body-mind functioning.

What makes Radiance different?
Expertise synthesizing holistic knowledge and modern science
Powerful methods for true transformation
Guidance to get deeply in touch with your body
Expert support to guide you along the path

Your journey to vibrancy

All our programs are delivered virtually in cohorts, with community support.
The next cohort begins on June 17, 2024.
Space does occasionally open up in between cohorts, particularly for active health issues.
Book a free assessment before then to find the best path for you.


Free 25 Minute Assessment

We'll dive into detail on your current health and wellness, and understand what transformation would look like for you.


Two Week Trial

You'll start with a two week trial to see if you like working with us. At the end of the two weeks, we'll create a custom package for the level of support you need.


Three Month Committment

A several-month-long period where we go deep into your body and rewire its fundamental physiological processes with powerful Ayurvedic formulations, leaving you feeling like a new person.

Stories from Past Clients

Patricia Mou

Co-Founder of The Commons

"Working personally with Jess has been one of the best health experiences I’ve had in my entire life. Her approach is truly holistic, incredibly nuanced, and very personalized to your unique needs. By Week 3 I had improved my energy levels and metabolism to 50% above my baseline. I think the secret ingredient to this program is that the team, and especially Dr. Jess, actually care. You can feel it in each interaction. And that is the most priceless aspect of this experience."

Kim Dupre

Entrepreneur / Creative

"In a matter of 2-3 weeks Jessica significantly improved my level of health more than anyone in the last 15 years. She gave me hope that I can actually feel really good in my body and I haven't had that feeling in a very long time. After working with her, I was eating, enjoying and digesting foods that I hadn't been able to eat for a long while. Now I feel better than I have in over 10 years."

Cindy Tadje

Mother of Four

"When I started, I was pre-diabetic, my CRP, cortisol, and cholesterol was elevated, and I had IBS. In a recent test, after 2.5y of working with Jessica, all of my bloodwork came back optimal. I feel very grateful because I didn't think I'd have this clean a bill of health ever again."

Jennifer Anderson


Jennifer was diagnosed with microscopic colitis in 2003, and even after working with different gastroenterologists for 14 years, she had episodes where she was in the bathroom all the time and couldn't leave the house. Working with Jess "gave [Jennifer] her life back" and got her to a point where she "didn't need the gastroenterologists, didn't have diarrhea, and felt great."

Pranab Sachithanandan

Growth Marketer

"My energy levels have been better than ever before. Not like I'm on coffee all the time, but just very clear. If I look at my last few weeks compared to the weeks prior, each day has a lot more clarity, less heaviness, more peace and contentment."

Veronica Giolli

Holistic Health/Wellness Coach

"Ayurveda and Jess have completely shifted the way my brain works. I've created an awareness of my body and my patterns that allows me to stay in an easeful state by understanding what my body truly wants.”

Avery Bedows

Founder / Researcher

"I feel like Jess is a teammate to figure out my health. For four years and many clinicians it has always felt like I’m doing it alone. It's amazing that Jess (via Ayurveda) understands and responds to the nuance of my symptoms."

Varun J.

Software Engineer

"I feel better digestively than I have in years. Not just that, but my skin looks healthier and my memory is better. I feel some of the best I've felt in a long time."

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ayurveda? Why is it relevant to us now?

Ayurveda is a 3,000-y+ old system of holistic medicine originating from India. It's extremely effective for bringing people to the most healthy state they can be in. It understands the human as a holistic whole, and teaches us how to understand our own bodies and gain deeper self-awareness around what is healthy for us.
Ayurveda has been successfully used for thousands of years in India, and scientific evidence is now showing that it is broadly effective.

Where does this fit in the larger system of wellness, e.g. therapy, personal training, etc.?

We provide foundational support for your physical body. Your physical body and what you provide it is the fundamental support for everything else that you do. We help you create that stable foundation. Other things like psychological support are also highly useful but that's not our main role - we do refer out to practitioners in our network when it's the right thing to do.

How long does it take to see results or resolve my condition?

The time it takes to see results or resolve a condition is extremely variable on the individual and their state of health at the start of the program. You'll typically start to see results in the first week of working with us. Resolution of a condition can be unexpectedly rapid, or can take an extended period of diligent care and effort. It all depends! For more a more specific opinion for your particular case, feel free to book a discovery call so we can chat through your situation.

How much time will incorporating Ayurveda into my life take?

Our programs are carefully designed to introduce only a few, manageable changes each session. Our goal is to easefully integrate Ayurveda into your life, in a way that allows you to see the benefits immediately. Expect to spend a 1-3 hours a week outside of your 1:1 calls integrating in material.

What health issues does Ayurveda specialize in?

Ayurveda is a general system of wellbeing - it both treats particular conditions and creates overall health. It is a great fit for a variety of persistent issues that don’t seem to have easily identifiable root causes. In particular, Ayurveda excels at treating:
Chronic digestive issues, including dietary intolerances (dairy, gluten, etc.), as well as issues with variability in appetite, energy levels, metabolism, indigestion, cognitive performance
Skin conditions
Sleep health - chronically waking up during the night, not feeling well rested in the morning, etc.
Women’s health issues, such as irregular cycles or PMS symptoms
Optimization for fertility
Persistent energy crashes at particular times of the day or after meals

What is the scientific evidence behind Ayurveda?

Over the last few decades, there’s been a variety of scientific research validating Ayurveda’s ability to maintain health and treat disease. For some of the more notable results:
Ayurveda has been found to outperform conventional medicine for a number of conditions. For two examples:
1. Ayurvedic treatment for osteoarthritis outperforms the conventional standard of care
2. Ayurvedic nutritional therapy outperforms conventional nutritional therapy for IBS
Ayurvedic formulations (known as medications in India) have been found to cause a variety of physiological improvements. For a few examples:
1. Ashwagandha (a frequently used Ayurvedic adaptogen) increases physical performance, reduces anxiety and stress levels, improves sleep, and increases VO2max
2. Brahmi (an Ayurvedic adaptogen) improves cognition and alleviates memory loss
This is just a small slice of the overall scientific research that has been conducted on Ayurveda.

Will Ayurveda require me to follow a restrictive diet, e.g. vegetarianism, gluten-free, etc?

No. Ayurveda has a saying - any food can be medicine or poison, depending on who is consuming it and in what context. There may be foods that are currently a poor fit for you, and we will work with you to understand how to eliminate or reduce them from your diet, for the time being. However, the long term goal is for you to have as broad a dietary range as possible. Ayurveda does not specifically advocate for vegetarianism, although it is highly adaptable to a vegetarian diet, as it originated from the Indian subcontinent where there is a sizable vegetarian population.

I have a question that isn’t listed here.

Please feel free to contact us at to get your question answered!

Frequently Asked Questions

For any other questions, feel free to book a free call or email us below at

Email us today